Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009


I am very exciting to be able to go to the temple more often. It looks like the rule is that we can go once a transfer, or once every 6 weeks. I am very excited. We might be going this week. I guess I will let you know next week.

I know I am a dork.

My companion is pretty competitive also, so we do try very hard when we are playing each other. It is always frustrating when it is a really close game and it comes down to losing by just one turn. That happened just the other day, he beat me, and if he wouldn't have that turn, I would have beat him the very next one, it was crazy. But we enjoy it a lot. We are both competetive, but we don't let it like heat us up.

I bought one sweater last week, it was about 30 bucks, and i might buy a couple more, but we will see.

I am still really good on supplies. Do I have to pick stuff up at the begining of the month from wal mart, or just when I need it, and that would be the soonest I can? Because I am still pretty good I think, let me know. I will send back the box soon.

As far as things I need go, I can't think of too much. Some foodish treats, other than that I don't know. You are the mom though, you always know whats best, so if you can think of anything, go ahead and send it, I won't complain. Haha.

Omni Pod rep will happen asap, I will let you know next monday how it went, or when it wil happen.

Send the form for sure and I will get it signed. My liscense doesn't expire for several years, but how it works is if I don't get that signed they will suspend it, and then if I do get pulled over, it says it isn't a valid liscense.

That is really exciting about the new trailer. I will be very excited to see pictures of it. I think that will be really fun.

Everything here is going well. The weather is starting to cool down a bit, hence the sweaters. The work is coming along, we have a lot of good things going on for us. So I hope it keeps going forward.

Conference was great to listen to. I have really grown in appreciation for it on my mission. My favorite talk was definately Tad R. Callister's. What an amazing man and an amazing spirit he brought.

Well, I have to get going soon, we are going to have a district BBQ today, and we have to go get ready for that. It should be really fun. We are going to play some tennis and handball, and have some hotdogs. It will be a nice little break, right before another week of great missionary work. I hope and pray all of you have a great week.

Love you all tons.

-Elder Miller

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