Hey Mom,
So here is the deal, I already found out about what is happening for transfers. So here it is without delay. Elder Oliva is leaving. He is going to East New York, the most ghetto area in the mission. As for me I will be here in Rego Park for at least 6 more weeks. As far as my companion, well, that is the thing, let's say companions. Yep. I am going to be in a trio. My companions will be Elder Call and Elder Oaks. I have never met Elder Oaks, Elder Call is alright, and is the most amazing piano player I have ever met. But yeah, it should be interesting. I am really nervous, because, well I have never done a trio before, nor did I ever think I would. So I am not really sure how it is going to go, but I hope it goes well. I am just nervous like there will always be one of us left out. But hopefully not. I will let you know how it goes. Another stange thing is it is goign to be my 12th transfer, and I am pretty sure that both of them will be going into there 5th. So if you add both of them together it still won't be as much as mine. Strange, no?
Let's see, to answer your question, and I agree it is weird to talk about comign home, for the record it still feels like it is never coming for me, but I am not sure when I will be coming home. My "official" release date is August 18th I believe, but I don't think that that will be when it realyl happens. But nothing is positive yet. As far as my first feelings, I think I will be coming home a few weeks before that, and that you guys won't pick me up, I will just come up, and then like a month later or so we will go to visit. Those were just my first feelings though. I still have some prayers to do about it, and a final decision will be decided later on.
Well I have no idea where you originally sent the prescription for the insulin, so that could be a problem. Please let me know asap. If worse comes to worse please call the mission office. But please get stuff worked out asap, and let me know, because I won't make it very much longer, mabye a few days. I was planning on having it all good for today and getting some.
That baptism went well. It ended up being 2 people. Only one that counts as far as numbers go, but numbers don't matter to me, but anyones, the other one is a 8 1/2 year old of a part member family, that we have been workign with. So yeah, that was cool. But all went well, and the baptism went smoothly.
Something kind of interesting that I had to do this week, we went to a funeral for a lady in the ward. I had never met her. She was apparently a great person though. The missinoaries put on a littl emusical numebr. It went well.
Well it sounds liek everyone is doing well. That is always nice to hear. I have to get running, kind of short on time today, my companion has to pack. I love you all, and I will talk to you next week. Happy Birthday to you mom, while I remember, because I always forget those things, so better to do it now while i remember.
I'll try to include some picture.
I love you,
Elder Miller
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